Tormos is one of the five towns that make up the area known as the Rectory. It is located at the foot of the Sierra del Recingle, which is next to those of Caval and Migdia, which makes for good excursions to the area. Tormos, next to the road that leads from Callosa d´En Sarrià to Pego through the Coll de Rates, is a serene town, the smallest in the entire Rectory, which is mainly dedicated to the cultivation of fruit trees and lives life in a very quiet with people playing dominoes in the street and watching the cars go by.
Tormos is on the road that connects the Marina Alta with the Marina Baixa inland, which makes access to the town easy. From the highway, exit at Ondara and take the road that crosses Beniarbeig and Ràfol d’Almúnia. 100 km from Alicante.
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Alicante, town by town
Rich agriculture marks the landscape of Tormos, located between the sea and the mountains, at the foot of the Sierra de Resingles, and a must for hikers.
A little history
Although there are signs that there was already life in Tormos during Prehistory, the Neolithic, the Copper and Bronze Age; being a Roman settlement in the second century BC, and in the twelfth century a Muslim farmhouse that after the conquest of King James I (1228-76) became the successive property of various nobles, Tormos reached the expulsion of the Moors in 1609 and later arrival of repopulation of the Island of Majorca.